Saturday, July 30, 2011

Castor Oil Recipe two

2oz Potion Base
Essential Oils added to base.
4 Drops Cedar Wood Atlas
4 D Clary Sage
4 Frankincense
6 D Geranium
4 D Juniper Berry
6 D Patchouli
2 D Rosemary
6 D Sandalwood
4 D Sweet Basil
4 D Vetiver
10 D Ylang Ylang
Okay I put this on my head and you can differently feel the cayenne pepper not in an uncomfortable way but you can feel it bringing blood to the scalp. The smell is okay but I think I will leave out Juniper Berry next time. Juniper berry to me smell like black licorice candy which is okay but prefer a more flowery or woodsy smell. The Juniper berry over shadows the Patchouli oil.

My take on castor oil potion.

This is my Castor oil base that I use.
I put 2oz in a plastic bottle and put other
Essential oils with it. Note the Amla Berries makes it smell pretty strong, like
molasses. I use different EO's to cover up the molasses smell. I usually leave this on for a day or two. But some people might feel the cayenne pepper is to strong for them.
18oz Castor Oil
30 Pills Biotin 5000mcg
40 Oolong tea bags
2oz Oolong loose tea
2oz Cayenne Pepper 90,000. H.U.
2oz MSM
2 Tbsp Amla Berries
Cut open the tea bags and put it into a crock pot. Then get the powered out of the pill capsule and put it in crock pot. Add the rest of the ingredients and slow cook for 5 hours. Let it cool then strain and put in glass jar. Makes 10oz of Potion. The Amla berries soak up some of the castor oil. Tried squeezing all of it out but only come up to 10oz.

Castor Oil Recipe one

2oz Jamaican Black Castor Oil
Essential Oils
4 drops Frankincense
4 drops Patchouli
4 drops Sandalwood
4 drops Ylang Ylang
This recipe has really helped speed up my hair growth and shredding. I barely shred at all. So I will
keep using it.

Bald to Growing

Hello everyone I just starting to blog again. I decided in May of 2010 to go totally bald for spiritual reason. So May the 19th I cut all my hair off 45" of it. And I am still happy that I did it.
My new goal is to love myself from the inside out and not let my outwards appearance decide who I am.
So I have take a vow not to cut my hair at all for the rest of my life nor can I color it or change it in any way. That means no S&D or no cutting what so ever. Even if I have lopsided hair.
I want to learn how to appreciate my natural beauty and learn how to be beautiful first from the inside. That means changing a lot of things about my self.